Armenia Georgia Azerbaijan hiking holiday

£2938 excluding flights
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18 Days
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
Small group
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Airport transfers, accommodation (hotels, guesthouses, double rooms), meals – breakfasts,comfortable vehicle during the tour, English speaking guide's service for all days, all entrance fees,1 bottle (0,5 litre) of water per day per person.
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Description of Armenia Georgia Azerbaijan hiking holiday

Price information

£2938 excluding flights
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Airport transfers, accommodation (hotels, guesthouses, double rooms), meals – breakfasts,comfortable vehicle during the tour, English speaking guide's service for all days, all entrance fees,1 bottle (0,5 litre) of water per day per person.
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Travel guides

Chacha toasts in Georgia, carved stone khachkars in Armenia, and karabakh horses in Azerbaijan; if you're looking to untangle the cultural characteris...
Armenia & Georgia
With more monasteries and churches than you can throw a thurible at, Armenia appeals to ecclesiastical enthusiasts seeking enlightenment. However, giv...

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


We try to minimise waste as much as possible and are careful to emphasize that clients should not damage or remove pieces from any historical sites they visit.

We ensure to use experienced drivers who know the areas well which allows us to be confident there will be no risk of damage to the environment and local flora. We do not provide water from plastic bottles to our clients in country but always ensure there is regular access to drinking water on our tours.

Whenever it is possible we stay at the locally owned accommodations as well as in camp in Juta village, thus minimizing our environmental impact.

We try to include as many local lunches, dinners and wineries in our journeys which enables us to spread economic benefits while also promote cultural understanding. Also, our groups don't exceed the number of 13 people. Consequently, we really try to minimize our impact on nature and leave behind nothing, but footprints.

We walk as much as we can on this trip, limiting our vehicle use. All of our team walk as much as possible in their day to day lives.
By taking a city walking tour or a stroll thorough the stunning green landscapes on this itinerary, clients can not only better appreciate Armenia's natural surroundings but also know that they are reducing the harmful impact of using vehicles in some of these more peaceful and remote areas.

We also encourage general sustainability whenever possible – limited use of air-conditioning and electricity for instance. This is something we care about strongly as an organisation, and something we try to pass on to our travellers.


Working in tourism is also about sharing local culture and preserving local habits and traditions. During our tours, we visit smaller, unknown villages such as Yenokavan, which helps to promote sustainable tourism and help the local economy. Further on, we arrange businesses directly with local providers and suppliers, avoiding unnecessary intermediates and giving the money to those who really benefit.

During our time in Armenia we visit a local winery outside the village of Areni. This is a wonderful opportunity for customers to taste some of the finest wine and support a local business at the same time.

As there are three different countries with different mentalities, we always inform our tourists about local customs and traditions, communication issues and rules of conduct in the churches and mosques in each country. Thus, during all our tours, we are trying to encourage travelers to approach places they visit with greater understanding and respect.

We are always trying to analyze and develop our responsible business policy and behaviors, through client and tour feedback and in response to changing socio-political conditions and current affairs.

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