Chimp and gorilla tracking in Uganda

£1800To£2500 excluding flights
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6 Days
Tailor made
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Price includes: Transport during during your, airport pick-up and drop off, Food, bottled water,guide/driver, entry fees in safari park Note: Pricing based on two people sharing.
We can tailor-this trip for solo travellers.
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Description of Chimp and gorilla tracking in Uganda

Price information

£1800To£2500 excluding flights
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Price includes: Transport during during your, airport pick-up and drop off, Food, bottled water,guide/driver, entry fees in safari park Note: Pricing based on two people sharing.
We can tailor-this trip for solo travellers.
Make enquiry

Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

Gorilla safari
Gorillas are like the godfathers. The largest and most powerful of the great apes, you are only granted an hour's sitting with them. That is the law o...
Safe, small and with a perpetually springlike climate, Uganda is a real treat when it comes to African travel. But it packs a lot in for its size. Ten...


1 Reviews of Chimp and gorilla tracking in Uganda

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 08 Mar 2020 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


We're committed to sustainability, in the communities in which we operate and in the ecosystems we encounter. We seek to minimise the impact of our trips by minimising and properly disposing of waste created, by conserving energy and water, and by ensuring that endangered wildlife and environmentally compromised areas are treated with respect.

• Environmentally-focused community development projects: In a number of countries, including Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia, the community development aspect of our trip is directly focused on improving the natural environment and human living conditions. These projects include planting trees and helping preserve endangered animals, birds and plant species.

• Environmental training: all of our guides, employees and drivers are trained in principles of environmental sustainability and will offer travellers’ tips on how to conserve water, reduce waste and otherwise minimize the environmental impact of their trip. We hope that our travellers will be able to take some of the conservation tips they learn from our guide’s home with them.

• Corporate recycling/energy policy: wherever possible our employees use recycled paper and recycle waste created in the office, as well as attempting to minimise waste created and be a “paper less” office. We also work to minimise energy and water consumption in our offices, and we encourage our partners to follow similar waste management.


Use of Local Guides: we're committed to using local guides, all our drivers and guides in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia are all local English speaking guides and we are committed to the training and mentoring of local people with the potential to become guides. Our guides are trained in responsible tourism and will help our travellers to be both culturally and environmentally sensitive and on top of that they understand the local areas.

• Retention of trip costs in local communities: we're committed to investing in local communities, and we aim to retain a significant portion of our travellers’ trip cost in the destination country. We use locally owned and operated hotels and restaurants. We offer opportunities for travellers to purchase local crafts and food, and our guides will provide guidance on appropriate places to shop for these.

• A real hands-on community development work: all of our trips involve a component of community development work and as such, travellers have an opportunity to contribute directly to the local communities they visit.

In addition, a portion of each traveller’s trip cost goes to support the development project for that trip. For instance, where our travellers are painting a classroom at an orphanage, the cost of the materials required is included in the trip cost.

In other areas, the trip cost includes a donation to the charity supported by that trip. Our development projects are carefully selected in conjunction with local charities and other organisations to ensure that our travellers’ work will be of maximum benefit to the local community but are also ones that involve travellers working side-by-side with the local people to improve their circumstances – We believe that our help should be sustainable and long

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