China highlights tour, tailor made

US $2319ToUS $2819 including domestic flights only
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11 Days
Tailor made
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Price including: Centrally Located Hotels; Authentic Chinese Food; Private Cars and Drivers;Private Guides;Flights & Transfers in China.
Entrance Fees;Phone Rental / Wi-Fi Package;Service Charge & Government Taxes;Insurance;Luggage Transfers.
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Description of China highlights tour, tailor made

Price information

US $2319ToUS $2819 including domestic flights only
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Price including: Centrally Located Hotels; Authentic Chinese Food; Private Cars and Drivers;Private Guides;Flights & Transfers in China.
Entrance Fees;Phone Rental / Wi-Fi Package;Service Charge & Government Taxes;Insurance;Luggage Transfers.
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

Great Wall of China
You cannot talk about China without mentioning the Great Wall. Besides being an triumph of engineering, to actually contemplate its sheer size and sig...
At first China might seem an exhausting confusion of brash modernity and teeming crowds, but relax, take a deep breath, and you’ll find a wonderful wo...


1 Reviews of China highlights tour, tailor made

4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 04 Apr 2015 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Sanxingdui museum with 3-4000 year old bronze masks and the pandas

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

Wear flat shoes there was a lot of walking

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental Impacts or supported conservation?
local restaurants used but little else.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

It was great, I loved China and would go again to see more of the countryside and more museums.

Read the operator's response here:

Dear Janet,
Thanks for your kind words,these will encourage me work hard and are always the best
thing I could get from you! I enjoy working and it makes me feel good that I can help
build up your tour, I feel even better when customers told me that they loved their
Have a good day!

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


First, we pay much attention to increase travelers’ awareness of environmental protection. Each traveler is handed out a traveler’s guidebook before departing for destination, through which the travelers not only know exactly how to protect cultural relics in the museums and galleries, but also they deeply understand the ways to keep the natural lakes and rivers from being polluted during their visit, and they won’t litter and doodle everywhere in the scenic spot because the idea of environmental protection is deeply rooted in their hearts. Secondly, the recyclable and reusable items are provided and highly recommended by our guides during the whole travelling process instead of disposable chopsticks and biodegradable bags, which is not only environment-friendly, but also it reduces wastes in a large sense. Thirdly, we advise our travelers to take a rickshaw to appreciate cultural relics in Beijing and Xi’an and take a raft to appreciate mountain-water scenery in Guilin and Yangshuo, during which travelers can experience authentic Chinese culture and know more about Chinese folk customs, more importantly, it’s really environmentally harmless and physically benefits you a lot.


Firstly, we provide local guides in different cites to make you get the most out of your travelling, and they are well-trained and selected with knowledgeable information about the designated attractions, which not only offers you an unforgettable China travel experience, but also it creates numerous job opportunities for the locals and stimulates the local economic development as well. Secondly, we not only support the local economy by employing local tour guides, but also we introduce our travelers to have dinner in the local-flavored restaurants and purchase souvenirs and specialties in the locally-operated stores, so the travelers can experience Chinese culture in a close manner, more importantly, great trust and understanding between people from different backgrounds can be established and enhanced, and it will absolutely promote local tourism industry in a long rum. Thirdly, We always dedicated ourself to charity since its foundation by donating a sum of money to the local charity institutions to help the elders and the orphans every year, whom we visit regularly, enabling them to feel the warmth in the cold winter, and a number of medals have been successively bestowed to us by local government authority for it.

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