Kenya safari and Zanzibar beach holiday

One of our top-selling safaris, this trip combines a luxury Kenyan bush adventure with a Zanzibar island break. Staying in locally run lodges and camps, our expert partners can arrange everything from aerial safaris to rhino tracking that contributes to conservation.
Safaris in Masai Mara Stone Town Zanzibar beaches guided bush walks, hot air balloon flights and champagne breakfasts luxury lodges
£4120 including domestic flights only
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13 Days
Kenya, Tanzania
Tailor made
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This itinerary is priced per person and designed to give you an idea of what can be included on your bespoke luxury tour of Kenya and Zanzibar, tailor-made to suit your personal tastes and preferences.
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Description of Kenya safari and Zanzibar beach holiday

Price information

£4120 including domestic flights only
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This itinerary is priced per person and designed to give you an idea of what can be included on your bespoke luxury tour of Kenya and Zanzibar, tailor-made to suit your personal tastes and preferences.
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements


1 Reviews of Kenya safari and Zanzibar beach holiday

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 25 Aug 2022 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your holiday?

Our safari in the Maasai Mara.

2. What tips would you give other travellers booking this holiday?

You’ll need warm clothing for the early morning or evening game drives but it was lovely and hot in the middle of the day. Basecamp Explorer are the best!

3. Did you feel that your holiday benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes absolutely to all 3 and that was really important to us.

4. Finally, how would you rate your holiday overall?

It was the ultimate trip of a lifetime and we loved every single moment.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


As with all of our luxury holidays, this itinerary has been crafted to ensure that it positively effects the local communities and environments visited. We show our commitment to conservation through the parks we include on our itineraries, as well as the accommodation providers and suppliers we use, so travellers can be assured their trip is in line with responsible values.

This itinerary includes trips to some of Kenya and Zanzibar's protected areas of natural beauty, including national parks and diving/snorkelling sites. By visiting these sites (all entrance fees are included in your luxury tour), you are supporting the preservation and conservation of these areas, and indicating to authorities that tourists are interested in protecting both Kenya and Zanzibar's incredible natural environments.

Kenya's Masai Mara is one of the best wildlife destinations in the world, home to Africa's Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhino), as well as the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra, which takes place in a annual cycle between the Mara and Tanzania's Serengeti. A chance to witness this natural phenomenon is breathtaking.

Whilst out on safari, please ensure that you don’t leave any litter – everything you carry in, you must carry out. Aside from the environmental damage, litter can be harmful to the wildlife. Do not disturb the animals by calling out or waving to an animal to get their attention. Stay quiet, mute any devices you have and ask your guide before taking a photo, as clicks or flashes can disturb wildlife. Don’t get too close to animals, as wild animals are unpredictable and can move very quickly when threatened. Never touch or feed a wild animal, and don't bring any food or drink on a game drive with you, except for water.

Never purchase items made from endangered species, such as coral, turtle shells, eggs, ivory, fur or bone. Instead, support the local communities by purchasing locally-made products as souvenirs, such as jewellery, wooden carvings and Maasai blankets.

In terms of protection of marine life, we advise against joining an excursion to swim with dolphins in Zanzibar. Although these trips have replaced the island’s traditional dolphin hunts, there are no regulations for dolphin tourism in the region and tours are run by operators with no interest in animal welfare. If you're looking to swim with whale sharks during kaskazi season, make sure to leave some distance and not to touch these beautiful animals, for their own protection.

We also make a special effort to recommend accommodation providers which have responsible and sustainable initiatives. For example, luxury safari camp Saruni Mara participates in fantastic community-led conservation initiatives with local tribes, such as the Maasai, which aims to put local people at the forefront of land and wildlife conservation. Saruni is also amongst the founding members of Mara North Conservancy and part of Northern Rangelands Trust, which has reduced the number of elephants illegally killed and set up community-led sanctuaries for elephant, black rhino, hirola and giraffe. What's more, from an environmental perspective, Saruni Mara runs on solar power which provides electricity (220V) 24 hours a day and each cottage has a solar panel for water heating. In Zanzibar, Pole Pole Lodge eco-resort was built using locally-sourced materials and makes use of re-purposed wooden furnishings.

Kenya's government has recently introduced a ban on plastic bags. Travellers are also expected to adhere to the ban, therefore we encourage visitors to either travel with a cotton shopping bag or purchase one from a local market in Kenya.


All the local guides referred to in this itinerary are paid a fair wage. We believe that using local guides is important, as it helps generate local incomes and creates jobs, plus it offers a more authentic travel experience.

We recommend independent local hotels, lodges, guesthouses and campsites, rather than international chain hotels, which helps support local communities and allows you to experience true East African hospitality. For example, Saruni Mara employs 80% local people, with many coming from traditional backgrounds, and can therefore offer a local's perspective on the wildlife and the land during safari excursions. The Saruni group also participates in the amazing Pack for a Purpose initiative, which invites guests to use extra luggage space to bring donations of supplies for local communities, such as schools.

This luxury Kenya and Zanzibar holiday includes the option for cultural experiences learning about local traditions with trips to local villages, where you can buy authentic souvenirs. We believe getting to know the destination and the people who live there means that you will have a more authentic and meaningful travel experience.

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