Mozambique beach holiday with ocean safaris

£2000To£2500 including domestic flights only
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7 Days
Tailor made
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Per person sharing.
Includes flights from South Africa to Mozambique, all accommodation, airport/lodge transfers, food, lodge (non-motorised) activities.
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Description of Mozambique beach holiday with ocean safaris

Price information

£2000To£2500 including domestic flights only
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Per person sharing.
Includes flights from South Africa to Mozambique, all accommodation, airport/lodge transfers, food, lodge (non-motorised) activities.
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

Whale watching
There is something mysterious and almost mystical about whales. Thanks to their epic migrations, their phenomenally deep dives, their great age and th...
Safari & beach
Variety is the spice of life, and it’s certainly the piquant calling card of a safari and beach holiday. As the name suggests, this kind of trip combi...

Holiday information

Dietary requirements:
Our safari lodges cater for a wide range of dietary requirements, including vegans and vegetarians. Please let us know any food preferences at the time of booking so we may cater to you. Our lodges are often very remote, so changing menus at the last minute is difficult.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Each safari provides a real marine megafauna viewing and conservation experience.

By opting for a safari with us, safari guests are already helping to contribute towards our conservation work. In addition guests are afforded the opportunity to gain an insight into real conservation work if they wish, with the Megafauna Foundation who operate nearby. In this way we hope guests will help to spread the message of what real marine conservation is and what the needs are.

We are committed to reducing reliance on single use plastics in Africa and with that in mind each guest receives a complimentary metal water bottle to top up and use rather than plastic.

All of our food, bathroom and kitchen supplies are from local sources and as far as possible, we aim to use a combination of organic, fair-trade and sustainable products.

We believe that everyone is able to help make a difference towards conserving our environment. When on the beach or Ocean, we operate a policy of ‘bring out what you take in’ i.e. we leave no litter or man made products behind.

Your lodge operates with a minimal environmental impact utilising solar power and solar water heating.


While on safari we recommend that visitors buy locally produced goods and support local artisans. In this way, visitors are able to help sustain the local community, contribute towards conservation and enrich their own lives. During each safari there will be opportunities to purchase goods from local artists, market stalls and restaurants in keeping with the ideals of fair trade. Our guides will advise on a ‘fair price’ if requested, however it is worth noting that a relatively small sum can make a huge difference to peoples lives in Africa and guests are asked to consider this when bargaining with market stallholders.

Our safari staff are all recruited locally and encouraged to develop within the organisation to achieve their goals and where applicable to produce conservation based items for sale (100% of the proceeds going to the originator).

On arrival, we hold an informal chat with guests to explain more about the marine conservation work in the area and how they are able to contribute during their safari. A travellers’ code of conduct is also issued with each bespoke safari itinerary.

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