Transatlantic slave trade tour, Ghana

US $1880ToUS $3025 excluding flights
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8 Days
Tailor made
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INCLUSIONS • Accommodation • Full Board Meals • Private vehicle with fuel • Professional English speaking driver • Tour guide at all attractions • Private Tour guide • All attractions and activities fees • Complimentary water • 24hr ongoing support
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Description of Transatlantic slave trade tour, Ghana

Price information

US $1880ToUS $3025 excluding flights
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INCLUSIONS • Accommodation • Full Board Meals • Private vehicle with fuel • Professional English speaking driver • Tour guide at all attractions • Private Tour guide • All attractions and activities fees • Complimentary water • 24hr ongoing support
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

History holidays suffer from an image problem. They conjure up a picture of a sedate older crowd crammed into coaches, ticking off a list of antiquity...

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Carbon Reduction

Axim Beach Resort at Axim uses renewable energy such as solar to power their water heating systems in the washrooms, as well as hyrdo-electric power from the National grid to power other gadgets. We also do our community tours by walking which further reduces the carbon emissions.

Environment and wildlife

We pay a lot of attention to proper waste management. We collect all plastic bottles and plastic waste that we use during our tours and donate them to local farms to reuse during the nursing of seedlings. We also make sure to collect all plastics, especially any water sachet and bottles left by visitors, since they do not degrade and leaving them at the sites makes them unattractive thus making us achieve one of our objectives of leaving only footprints at destinations. The hotels also use paper bags to package take-away/picnic meals, helping to reduce the use of plastics.

We also support tree planting exercise which are all geared towards protecting the environment which provide us the conducive environment we undertake our tours


Local Economy

Our highest priority is to practice sustainable tourism and we have put in measures to ensure this policy is achieved. We employ local and knowledgeable guides - this measure helps the locals to protect the relics of the slave trade. We also include tours to other historical and heritage sites so that the communities directly benefit from tourism hence protecting the heritage further.

We support the local communities by using local establishments on this tour, such as hotels, shops and restaurants, where you will get a chance to make purchases and support the local businesses. All this is geared towards helping communities benefit directly from tourism. As a result of employing local people and facilities, the locals have a good relationship with the tourists since they both benefit immensely from each other. This ensures the safety of tourists at destinations and helps them feel part of the communities they visit. You also have the chance to make donations to schools and other facilities in the local communities we visit. We donate educational items like books, pens, uniforms and more. These donations are made from part of our profits we put aside to positively impact the destinations. We also visit communities practicing Community Based-Tourism to also experience their offerings so they can continue practicing sustainable tourism.

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