Tunisia tours, off the beaten track

£2799 excluding flights
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14 Days
Small group
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Up to 12 people
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Description of Tunisia tours, off the beaten track

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£2799 excluding flights
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History holidays suffer from an image problem. They conjure up a picture of a sedate older crowd crammed into coaches, ticking off a list of antiquity...
Tunisia has been exploited by European colonisers, foreign-owned businesses and greedy government officials; but as of 2020, it’s the only democracy i...

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) holiday so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


Most of the time on this tour is spent in towns and cities, but we do spend a significant proportion of the trip exploring the desert and mountain regions of Tunisia. When exploring these areas on foot we take care to stick to the trails (where they exist!) and not to damage any of the flora, as some parts of the region are quite a fragile environment.

We operate a strict no litter policy on our tours, and work to educate our drivers and other service providers so as to avoid contributing to this problem.

Similarly, in conjunction with our local team we work with hotels and guesthouses to implement best practices when it comes to environmental matters – in some places this is far behind what we might be used to in other parts of the world. This includes basic things like not replacing towels each day, as well as saving electricity and turning lights off – small things but Tunisia, especially outside of Tunis is not as used to tourism as countries in western Europe.

We visit a number of ancient sites and monuments on this tour that do not necessarily receive much funding from other sources; the entrance fees that we include help to maintain the heritage of this country for future generations – not just western travellers but more importantly to local people to whom they have far more cultural and historical significance.


On all of tours we strive to include a strong focus on local communities and we are firm believers that tourism should have a positive impact on the places visited. On this tour we try to allow our travellers to gain a real insight into the traditional customs of the country; some good example of this are when we visit the traditional Berber villages around Tozeur, and the cave dwellings in the Dahar Mountains. Not only is this a great experience for travellers but it means that small scale community based tourism projects, often ignored by mainstream tourism, are able to benefit from our visit.

We only visit communities that are pleased to receive us – it is important that we do not treat such communities just as ‘exhibits’, and we recognise that some traditional groups prefer to be left alone.

These are very traditional areas with certain codes of behaviour, and the people here are not that accustomed to outsiders. We ensure that our travellers are appropriately briefed in order so as not to offend local sensibilities. This also applies to any religious sites that we visit on this trip; Tunisia is a largely Islamic country and it is important that we respect these traditions.

We use locally owned suppliers and our partners here are deeply involved with the preservation of the culture and heritage of the country. Tunisia has a number of ancient, UNESCO World Heritage sites that we visit on this tour and the entrance fees we pay to visit historic sites play an important part in their restoration and conservation.

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